1. Control Bones
the animator uses to control the rig.
2. Deform Bones
influence the vertices of a mesh.
3. Function Bones
Eg: IK Bone
Bone Constraints:
1. IK Constraint
Works with an IK solver to create a chain of bones whose position can be determined by the location of the tip.
2. Copy Location/Rotation/Scale
Restricts the location, rotation, or scale of one bone or object to that of another.
3. Track-to Constraint
This is useful for eye tracking and also to control the movement of the camera by tracking the camera to an Empty.
4. Floor Constraint
Defines an object or bone beneath which another object or bone won't go. This is often used in conjunction with IK solvers to prevent feet from going beneath the level of the ground.
5. Stretch-to Constraint
Causes a bone or object to stretch or squash to an object or bone that is set as the target constraint. It can also manage the displacement of volume, which results from the stretching or squashing.
6. Action Constraint
Enables a bone's movement to control an action that has been animated in advance.