16. 平行结构和对称
16.1 "and, or, but"的平行結構,這些并列連詞前後的結構,如名詞,動詞,動賓短詞等要保持一致。
The process of education begins at birth and continuing throughout life.
The process of education begins at birth and continues throughout life.

16.2 使用詞組"instead of, rather than, as well as, in addition to"的時候的平行結構。
As well as causing housing shortage, overpopulation in cities is linked with pollution.
错误。causing housing shortage和pollution结构不对称。
Overpopulation in cities is responsible for pollution as well as housing shortage.
注:is responsible for 是引起...的原因

16.3 使用連詞"while, whereas"的時候,所連接的兩個單句要結構对稱。
The private sector is not interested in domestic movies, while foreign-made movies attract private investors.
Domestic movies rely on public funds, while foreign-made movies attract private investors.

16.4 使用比較級時,需要注意對比對象,如名詞,主謂結構,動賓結構等的結構對稱。
More people favour globalisation.
There are more people who favour globalisation than those who oppose it.
注:people是複數,所以用"There are".
注:"people who, those who"凡是...的人 Those who用法

The average woman possesses less physical strength than the average man.
The average woman possesses less physical strength than the average man does.

16.5 "not only...but also..."
Education not only allows young people to improve job skills but also have more knowledge of ethical principles.
Education not only allows young people to improve job skills but also enables them to have deepen their understanding of ethical principles.

16.6 使用詞組"compared with, in contrast to, different from, as opposed to, similar to, as distinct from"比較的時間,對比的名詞要一致。
In contrast to people in developing countries, natural disasters are less challenging for people in developed countries.
錯誤。people in developing countries和natural disasters不能形成對比。
In contrast to people in developing countries, people in developed countries do not consider natural disasters as challenging issues.

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