1. Negative Sentence 否定句
主語 + do/deos/did + not + 原形謂語動詞
My parents do not like my boyfriend. They think his tongue is glib(adj. 油腔滑調的).
Jack does not want to participate any outdoor activities. He's totally a homebody.
注:any後接可數名詞複數outdoor activities.
Marie did not go to school yesterday because she caugh a cold.
2. Interrogative Sentence 疑問句
Do/Does/Did + 主語 + 原形謂語動詞 + ?
Wh-疑問詞典 + do/does/did + 主語 + 原形謂語動詞 + ?
Did you watch the latest episode? it's hilarious(adj. 極其滑稽的).
He came last in the race.
It's our last hope.
This latter point was of great importance, 後面這點極之重要。
The former is better than the latter. 前者優於後者。
She dressed in the latest Paris fashion. 身穿巴黎最新款式的時裝。
He was the latest person to come. 他是最晚來的人。
What do you want for Christmas gifts?
Why do Asian people have English names?
3. 代替前面出現的動詞
Did Emily tell you that she was divorced(n. vt. 離婚)? No, she didn't!
Johb needs a girlfriend more than he dose a new computer.
The boy blushed(vi. 臉紅) with embarrassment(n. 尷尬)and so did the girl.
4. 強調語氣
Never did I stop loving you.
I did love you, but not anymore now.
注:這裡是過去式。一般現在式是I do love you.
She does hate you or she would not speak ill of you.
注:speak ill of someone. 說壞話 Eg: Don't speak ill of the dead.